Entering March, we are well into the fast pace of 2017, and I hope you are all keeping up. February was a great chance for me to be the face of FBA at three great events. I have absolutely enjoyed meeting the members and look forward to meeting even more at March’s key events, being the Chairman’s Lunch and Insider Series.
For those new, or who missed my February blog we are in for some great events in QLD for 2017. A summary of the year to date can be downloaded here for Family Businesses and here for Advisers. I urge you to mark your calendars so you do not miss out.
Key dates
- 17 March – Chairman’s lunch, Gold Coast
- 30 March – Insider Series: Show and Tell with Winson Group
- 12 May – Financial Essentials Course
- 16 May – Family Business Essentials Course
- 20 May – Family Business Insider – Show & Tell with AthoGroup and WW Souvenirs
- 9 June – QLD State Conference, Brisbane – click here for the program
- 14 July – Chairman’s lunch, Brisbane
- 19 September – National Family Business Day
- 10 November – QLD Hall of Fame Dinner, Brisbane
Click on the links above to register for events.
February’s review saw a great Family Business Essentials hosted by our new member and partner Northside Meetings. A big thanks to Judy and her team for a great space to work in and some delicious catering. If you are looking for a meeting space or a good cup of coffee be sure to drop into Judy and her team at 110 Windsor Road Red Hill. New, old and prospective FBA Members joined together at this education course to Share, Grow and Connect over half a day. It was highly interactive and created many discussions in the room. If you missed out, not to worry the next one will be in May – give me a call to pre-register on 0439 782 549.
Family Business Essentials workshop
Help me get to know you and your business, if you have had any exciting news or received awards or good publicity share the love by sending it through, email jwatson@fambiz.org.au. If you know of any family’s in business don’t forget to tell them about FBA, or better yet bring them along to the next event.
Hint for the month:
Separate family and business time
Make it a rule to not talk about business at the dinner table on Sundays. Just because your venture started as a conversation over dinner or handed down at the family BBQ doesn’t mean it has to continue this way. You need to take the administrative of your business seriously and enjoy your family time.
Quote of the Month:
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up” – Thomas A. Edison
Hope this helps, until next time.
Jodie Watson
QLD State Manager
Family Business Australia