Date posted: February 15, 2018

The year is flying by at FBA with three events already held. I am sure in your own business you have noticed that soon after the Christmas break things ramped up at lightning speed.

From a FBA point of view we have been busy putting together a great year of events, new initiatives and member value offerings. Including an exciting event calendar, the newly launched Emerging Leaders Program, finalising the We are Family Owned campaign and website, and launching the Family Business Adviser Marketplace. More information will be coming to you on all of these, watch this space.

We had an exciting start to the year with the announcement of a new Platinum Partner for QLD. Holding Redlich will be joining our existing partners as the exclusive legal partner, led by Partner Kylie Wilson, information and services you can access as members will come soon. I look forward to seeing you at an event in the very near future, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like more information.

Hint for the month: Work Only on new Business Until 11am 
The trouble with most businesses is that they have become havens for paperwork, meetings and bureaucracy. Too often entrepreneurs get caught up in all non-sales related activity then suddenly realise the day has ended and the company once again has not increased its revenue. This needs to stop. And one of the best ways to do that is to have a rule that you and the key stakeholders in your company spend their mornings until 11am on income increasing activities. Unless you do this important stuff first each day, you will usually find it doesn’t get done at all.

Quote of the Month:
“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” –Walt Disney

Jodie Watson
QLD State Manager