Are you planning to start a new business, transition your business to your children or maybe expand into international markets? Effective tax governance can help you manage the tax aspects of key business events and make sure your business gets the right tax outcome.
To help your business grow and be successful, the ATO has a new online tax governance guide for family and private groups. It provides business with practical guidance on common business events to help get things right.
Businesses, tax advisors and agents helped design the tax governance guide specifically for family and private groups, recognising that good governance provides many practical benefits for business such as:
- supporting planning and decision making to avoid unwelcome surprises;
- helping to prevent fraud in the business; and
- cost savings in terms of time, money and effort
Learn more about effective tax governance by visiting the ATO display at the upcoming FBA National Conference. ATO experts will be in attendance to answer your questions and will run regular and interactive information sessions to explain how effective tax governance can help your business.
For further information: Visit the ATO at the FBA National Conference or check out the guide here.