I may be stating the obvious when I write that it’s a tough economic landscape at the moment and I know many WA family businesses are already facing the challenges this brings and that many businesses are looking for new ways to ensure their success and sustainability, seeking a competitive edge.
This has resulted not only in our members seeking referrals to our advisers, the Family Owned Australian Business’ emblem artwork and support such as our FBA Forum Groups (using their FBA membership to its full potential). What I have found encouraging however is the rising number of approaches from family business leaders who have just discovered FBA, looking for resources, support, guidance or just a friendly ear to share their issues with. It is the best part of my role when I am able to introduce business owners who have not experienced the unique culture and support offered by FBA to the various opportunities of being part of this great community and supporting them in their quest to build a better and lasting family business.

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[/special_functionality_column][/special_functionality_row]Several new comers to our events last month commented that attending an FBA event not only provided content that was relevant to their business but the big point of difference from other business events was that ‘people spoke to them as a person and not the business owner, CEO, supplier’. They found this refreshing and as a result have joined FBA, wanting to belong to such a welcoming and supportive group of business people.
Recognising that businesses are looking for a competitive edge to assist with business growth or financial challenges we have put together some great events that will provide insights, tips and tools.
We have an amazing Family Business State Conference coming up for you and your family business colleagues to experience networking and learning from your family business peers. Our theme is ‘Built to Last’ so you can expect this half day event to deliver information and experiential learning to assist you to build a successful and sustainable family business. The program will include topics such as how ‘knowing your why’ can be a great tool for engaging the next generation and improving profits, exploring trust as a risk management tool in family business and what happens when it all goes wrong, how a business leader successfully exits a business and we will expel the third generation myth as we hear from two cousins who are successfully taking their third generation family business to new heights. It is a not to be missed event full of unique family business stories to inspire and support you, your family and your business. Click here to register.
Our family business Forum Groups have been a the saving of sanity and businesses for many business leaders, we continue to grow these groups and are holding an information session in May for our new group commencing in July 2016 for those interest in learning more about this fantastic resource. Please contact me on fbawa@fambiz.org.au if you would like to attend this free session.
In tough times we can often look for ways to improve or change our businesses so it is great to be able to offer our members access to our Family Business Adviser Network, who along with expert knowledge in the complexities of working with family businesses, also represent the key areas in which business leaders can use professional advice or services, so please remember to call me for an introduction.
I look forward to seeing you at one of our events in the very near future.
Lorraine Willis
WA State Manager