Welcome Back! For some lucky few that will be true, for some you will have been back for a while now. Each of you should have received a communication from our CEO, Greg Griffith towards the middle of January. In his email he mentioned some of the exciting things that are planned for FBA VIC in 2017. I’ll avoid repeating his whole message, but I am pleased to remind you about a few of the things that he mentioned.
Coming up, we have our Family Business Insider at Scalzo Food Industries, a chance to look inside the great business that is Scalzo Foods. We have received a huge interest for this event, and it is already full, if you are very interested, but missed out I am putting together a waitlist if people are unable to attend. Our next Family Business Insider is at our other Hall of fame Inductee, Sutton Tools, on the 11th April, pre-register here to avoid disappointment.
Have you been thinking that it is about time you joined a forum group, or at least got some more information? We are holding a forum information breakfast on Tuesday 28 February, come along, learn more about these groups, enjoy a free breakfast, all before the start of your work day!
An education course that we have coming up is the Family Business Director’s Course that we are running in March.
The Directors course is the most popular course that FBA offers at the moment, we were full last time we offered this course with a waiting list in operation. If you are interested, get in early and make sure that you book your seat, registration is available through our website.
We have had lots of new members in Vic over the past few months, welcome to each of them, if I had not had the chance to meet you in person I look forward to doing so soon. Why don’t you come along to our Family Business Essentials course, free of charge for our new members – a chance to learn about being a family business – the differences, and also the issues. The course is on February 21 and registrations are possible through the website.
Finally, I’d just like to draw your attention to the fact that it is International Women’s Day on 8 March – Carolyn Creswell, from Carman’s Fine Foods, a member of FBA, is speaking at an event put on as part of the Australian Hotels Association’s Women’s Network, if you are interested in attending the event, please follow this link.
I hope to see you at an event in the near future!
State Manager Vic/Tas