Gratitude is my word for this month. This is my last web post to you, as I am stepping down as FBA Queensland Manager to head up the Nursery & Garden Industry, Queensland. I am grateful for being part of FBA for over 4 years, thankful to the State Committee members for their enthusiasm and commitment to FBA, and appreciative for the many inspirational stories from family business leaders. I want to express my personal thanks to Nick Bloor, Roz Shaw, Lara Dawson, Robin Buckham, Alex Megas, Bill Noye, Susan Rix AM, Marina Skinner, Peter, Gay and Justin Taylor. Robin and Roz are seeking a new State Manager, so if you are interested or have someone in your family who may be suitable, please contact Robin.
Recently, we were delighted to welcome to The Brisbane Chairman’s Lunch, Roger and Lesley Gillespie, founders and owners of Bakers Delight. They are typical of our leading Australian family businesses – they love what they do and their family. Thanks Lesley and Roger for sharing your story.
The Chairman’s Lunch with Peter Taylor, Roz Shaw, Lesley & Roger Gillespie and Gay Taylor
Coming up is the Financial Essentials course on 23 April, followed by our annual Celebrating Women in Family Business luncheon on 1 May with Raynuha Sinnathamby, Managing Director of Springfield Land Corporation.
All the best for a wonderful future and thanks for the memories.
Kind regards,
Kerry Battersby