Date posted: September 9, 2016

Dear fellow family business members,

I made the trip to the 2016 National Conference along with 27 other WA business people who came from a variety of generations, genders and professions within local businesses. Some gritty accounts of some of the highs and lows of some family businesses were shared at the conference. Owners were prepared to share their stories to colleagues, both on stage and one on one, over the three days in a largely confidential environment.  Click here to read more about the National Conference.

Back on the local front we are very pleased to welcome Lavan Legal who have joined FBA as a State Partner.  We also welcome Michelle Natta of Lavan Legal to the WA committee as we look to take FBA to new heights in the coming year.

I will be representing WA at my first national FBA board meeting on September 12th and then our state committee is meeting on the 22nd of September to plan our events for the coming year and how to take FBA to the next level. If you have any thoughts on how to help or what you’d like to see happen either nationally or at a state level then now is an ideal time to speak up.  FBA exists to help its membership.  Please email or contact Lorraine on 0458 055 980.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the Danny Breckler event at UWA on September 20th.  The event is part of our celebrations around National Family Business Day on 19th September. If you own a Family Business then it’s an opportunity to celebrate your values with your family, employees, suppliers and clients. To attend the UWA event and hear Danny Breckler’s journey click here to register.

Lance Stringer
WA Chairman
Family Business Australia