I am honoured and delighted to be appointed as Chair of the FBA Victorian State Committee. I’d like to thank all our members, our state committee and our National Board of Directors for supporting my appointment. I have been a member of FBA and participated in FBA forums for many years now. The Association offers so much in terms of education and networking opportunities. I have really enjoyed all the courses I’ve taken and I encourage members to take full advantage of these. Visit the website for the current calendar of events, here. I also welcome your thoughts and ideas for other things we could be doing to serve the membership. Don’t hesitate to contact us.
I look forward to serving the membership together with our strong State Committee and to supporting Greg and the FBA team.
This year the National Conference is being held in Hamilton Island from the 30th August – 1st September. Make sure it’s in your diary as I’m sure that as Victorians you will be ready for some heat by then. Take the opportunity to bring your family and combine the conference with a small break. I look forward to meeting you there.
Sara Pantaleo
VIC State Chair
Family Business Australia
Victorian Chair’s Message
Date posted: March 14, 2017