Date posted: September 14, 2016

Successful family businesses know how important it is to build and maintain a reputation over generations of customers.

Your business wouldn’t be where it is today if you didn’t know a thing or two about getting your message out to market and connecting with those who matter most to your success.

Traditional marketing strategies are still very important. The basic principle of knowing what you have to offer, who you’re offering it to and how you’re reaching those people doesn’t change no matter what marketing avenue you choose.

We’ve all heard the term “customer journey”, but in the digital age, it’s even more important to make sure all paths lead to your business door – virtual or otherwise.

Digital or online marketing simply means that there are more paths for your customers to follow, and more doors for them to open (or close) along the way.

The best marketing solutions adopt an integrated approach that brings together traditional and digital disciplines to reach your business goals.

Brochures, print ads, radio, sponsorships – they all still matter, as long as they’re underpinned by a deep understanding of your customer’s needs and behaviour.

We know now that 94% of Australians spend time online every day*. So if your marketing strategy isn’t responding to this behaviour, you’re missing opportunities to engage.

Some of your customers will still see your ads, still read your flyers and still pick up the phone to call you. But many of them want to have your message reinforced when they go to your website, join your social media network, or read online reviews of your product.

If your traditional marketing and digital marketing are working well together, your customers will receive your messages when, where and how they prefer. This means they’ll be more likely to open your door along their customer path, and like what they find inside.

This article has been provided by communikate et al and the advice is designed to be general in nature.

communikate et al is a national, fully integrated marketing agency and a proud sponsor of FBA South Australia. To learn more about integrating traditional and digital marketing, visit or call Melissa McCaig, Account Manager on 0412 482 394.