Accredited Adviser
Duane O’Donnell
Investment Adviser
Credit Suisse Private Bank
How long have you been working with family businesses?
I have been providing investment advice for over 30 years.
I hold a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne, a Masters of Tax from UNSW and a Fellow of The Australian Institute of Company Directors.
What’s one of the most common mistakes you see in family businesses?
Lack of succession planning. Families need to discuss succession planning issues within the family. Too often planning for succession is avoided and results in conflict within the family. Succession planning is a process and families should not wait for an event such as the death of a Matriarch to start the discussion.
What is your “uh ha” moment with your clients?
When the matriarch/patriarch understands that the family needs to have the uncomfortable discussion about succession planning. I can assist by recommending an Accredited FBA adviser from my network who can facilitate the discussion amongst the family members and start the process of succession planning before a major event confronts the family.