Date posted: December 2, 2016

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Family Business 

tomTom Rooney
Waterfind Australia, Waterfind USA, NOW Market Services, ElectrAg, Water Valuation Services,
Industry Water, Software, Energy, Finance and Natural Resource Management

What generation is your family business?
4th Generation

What is your role in the family business?
Group CEO

What/ who is a major influence for you in the family business?

Originally my Grandfather Henry Rooney who’s portrait sits in our Adelaide head office,  then my mother Pauline Rooney who was Chairman of the Group until early 2016

What keeps you up at night?

I generally sleep pretty well but when things do keep me up it’s usually associated with money, people, business resources or growth challenges. Sleep along with another point of view is an important tool / trigger that our family uses to have our subconscious work on those issues that are too difficult for our conscious mind to work out. It is common knowledge in our family that we can work in our sleep!   

What’s the key benefit of your FBA membership?

As reasonably recent members we began attending some of the FBA events and courses and we have found it be an organisation of people that share common values, goals, issues & challenges that we, and probably many other company’s face. 

We share common ground with other family businesses in that we want to deliver great customer and community service and continually develop and grow as an organisation and as individuals and believe that FBA can help us with those objectives.
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