Three Minutes With…
Date posted: March 9, 2016
Sara Pantaleo
La Porchetta
Restaurant Franchise
What generation is your family business?
First and second generation
What is your role in the family business?
What/ who is a major influence for you in the family business?
My first role model in business was my brother. He was a visionary and risk taker and he didn’t let anything stop him. Now he is gone, I learn from my colleagues. They range from 2nd to 5th generation family business leaders. At La Porchetta we are a number of families and I am inspired to keep this business in our families for generations to come.
What keeps you up at night?
Ensuring that I deliver support and innovation to our franchisees and support to our Support Office team so that we can continue to improve and grow and maintain a leading role in the industry.
What’s the key benefit of your FBA membership?
Education programs such as the director’s and financial courses, networking events and learning from the Forum Group
Sara is presenting at an upcoming Conversation Series in April on Crisis Management, for more details or to register, please visit the FBA website.[/special_functionality_column][special_functionality_column lg=”6″ md=”6″ sm=”6″ xs=”12″ ]Family business adviser
Justin McCartney
Partner, PKF
Chair of the FBA Victorian Advisers Committee
How long have you been working with family businesses?
Over 25 years. But, having lost a client about 10 years ago when I overlooked the significance of the next generation, and the inevitable transition of control, I found FBA. The people, particularly the advisers, that I have met through FBA have enhanced my ability and enjoyment of working with family businesses.
2016 promises to deliver much more. A number of the Bank of Melbourne adviser breakfasts will be interactive workshops based on real life case studies: client succession, adviser succession, personality testing and governance. These will be led by true experts in their fields.
What’s one of the most common mistakes you see in family businesses?
Procrastination and lack of planning.
What is your “uh ha” moment with your clients?
When the family business has delayed making a decision for too long – the decision becomes subjective rather than objective.[/special_functionality_column][/special_functionality_row]