I have not long returned from the conference in Melbourne and still on a high from all that I learned this year. For those that attended, I’m sure you will agree it was one of the best yet. (One better would have been to hold it in Queensland !) This was my 10th conference and it never ceases to amaze me that I learn something and meet someone new every year.
My gem this year was the game of inches presentation. I know that I am sometimes frustrated by the fact that I can’t find that big thing that’s going to set my business apart or make me into Steve Jobs. So I was heartened by the fact that 99% of great businesses get their success through finding the gaps. These might be gaps inside such as improvements in efficiency – or outside the business with a new service or product line. Once you close one gap, move onto the next. When you think about it, it makes complete sense but in the world today where everyone wants immediate gratification it brings us back to the reality that improving every day – both yourself and your business is the key to success.
Looking forward to hearing the location for the conference next year and I urge all members to attend next year. Despite it being a big commitment of time and money, the inspiration, collaboration and information is priceless.
Roz Shaw
Queensland Committee Chair
Family Business Australia
Queensland Chair’s Message
Date posted: September 15, 2016