March already and activities are well underway with FBA in NSW and ACT. Our Forum Groups have all had at least 1 meeting and we have welcomed a number of new members into this unique and highly regarded program. We are certain that they will gain great benefit from the insight and learning from their peers. Personally, this will be my 12th year in my Forum Group and I credit much of the success of my business and my personal equilibrium to the wisdom and support that I receive through the members and facilitator of my group – so glad to be back in touch after the summer break.
A very significant benefit of FBA membership is the ability to share our knowledge with one another – all of us have valuable experience that could help others in ways that we might never imagine. I read recently that The William E Smith Institute of Association Research (based in Chicago, USA) produced a report on the relationship between being a member of an association and income, happiness and job satisfaction.
While it is evident that association members earn more than non-members, the report’s findings state that associations don’t necessarily make a person successful. Rather, being successful leads a person to join an association. Motivated and talented individuals tend to want to belong to groups that give them opportunities to advance. They are also happier and enjoy more job satisfaction!
With this in mind, let’s make this the year of FBA! We need you to spread the word about how great it is to be part of this wonderful organisation and participate in the events, education and activities with a truly great group of people. FBA’s growth & sustainability depends on constantly expanding our membership to broaden the experience for everyone involved. If you come across a family business that is not a member yet, tell them about us and let our office know for follow up.
Thanks for your friendship –
Garry Beard
Chairman, NSW and ACT