…And we’re off! I hope everyone has returned rested and rejuvenated from their summer break and ready to get everything out of 2015 that’s possible. And then some. I’m excited to share with you a couple of new initiatives which I hope will provide tangible value to your business.
Oil & Gold
Two highly valuable and sought-after substances: Oil provides the energy to drive forward, greasing the wheels of industry. Gold is the solid, dependable value that holds an economy together. Our Oil is the Adviser Group. Our Gold is the family business. The Oil & Gold Series is designed to bring these two groups together with the express intention of driving business. Within the Adviser Group is a vast wealth of knowledge and expertise ready to be shared. Family businesses have very specific needs.
To give you an idea, here are some topics that might be just what the doctor ordered:
- Shareholder Agreements
- How to Set Up a Family Business Board
- Innovation
- Pre-Nuptial Agreements
- Mental Health Workplace Strategies
How the Oil & Gold Series will work: I will suggest topics of interest from the Adviser Group in each blog. You will let me know what topics will be greatly useful to your business. And you are also invited to suggest topics that you need addressed.
If six businesses express interest, then the session is on! The sessions will be held at the adviser’s venue, there is no cost to the attendees, and these opportunities are available to members only. Sessions will typically be 60 minutes long, during work hours (probably lunchtime) and will deal with one very targeted topic. These sessions are not events per se, and will occur as and when demand dictates. These sessions can occur anywhere – i.e. they do not need to be confined to Collins Street, the CBD or even Melbourne city. So, Bendigo and Ballarat – what do you want to hear about? What information do you need to give your business an extra boost?
This is an opportunity to directly discuss specific issues with experts. Get a second opinion that you can take back to your own advisers. Learn about new technologies and ways of doing things.
Email me on fbavic@fambiz.org.au and tell me what you need.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Nicola McKay