Since our last e news, Debbie Reed ( Chair FBA SA ) and I have attended a “Thinkers in Business” round table meeting coordinated on behalf of the Office of Corey Wingard MP, Member for Mitchell – Shadow Minister for Industry and Shadow Minister for Sport, Recreation and Racing. The Minister is keen to hear firsthand what issues are affecting small to medium business and Debbie Reed will continue to attend these meetings to ensure that the views of the Family Business sector are being heard. Please contact Debbie direct:
Event highlights for the past two months include an Adviser Breakfast June 6th, which covered the Time Bombs of Family Succession Planning with Andrea Michaels from NDA Law and a Federal Budget update by Ashley Miller from KPMG (SA). It provoked some deep thinking amongst the group and resulted in some real life and current ‘stories’ from some of the attendees.
The next event is scheduled for September 5, an evening networking session with Phil Smythe. Phil Smyth is a well-known South Australian sporting identity and can be heard weekly at midday on Radio Adelaide. Join us for this special Adviser Connect networking session and hear Phil discuss teambuilding and leadership, how to motivate and invigorate people and how to lead a team.
Our last Family Business Insider event – held 29th May at Phil Hoffmann Travel. What a wonderful family story involving Gulf War, Plane Strikes and the determination to overcome world problems. Thank you to our hosts Phil and Bianca Hoffmann for a wonderful insight into their family business and how the next generation is learning to take over the reigns – Congratulations to Mary Mercuri from ennio International for winning the Italian Cooking Class for two.
The next Family Business Insider is being held August 16th at the Detmold Group you can register here: