G’day to all our FBA family’s, advisers & friends. The positive words for small business & investment opportunities that were delivered with the budget will certainly lift the business sentiment of our great families striving to expand their horizons. The government is certainly trying to encourage customer sentiment that affects all our businesses.
After being at Gallipoli for the 100-year celebrations, I look forward to returning home to kiss the dirt of our great country. What the people who have given up their lives in many of our past wars have left us with, is a legacy of great appreciation for our country. We are blessed to be Aussie’s & continue their dreams of love, freedom & mateship.
We are pleased that we have been able to organise a Mid-Year “Check In” on 25 June so that we have a chance to catch up with each other and review business goals. This is a short, sharp session that won’t burn our timetables or our pockets, but will re-invigorate us and give us some new information as always, so I hope to see you there. For a quick review of your business prior to this event, our on-line diagnostic tool is always a good measure…
Our new State Manager – Wendy Foster – has been on board with us now for nearly 6 weeks and is starting to understand the depth and breadth of this sector. She is attempting to get to know as many members as possible so please feel free to contact Wendy directly for any issues or just for a chat on wfoster@fambiz.org.au or 0418 901 5421.
Garry Beard
FBA New South Wales