Date posted: August 26, 2016

On the 19th September, Australia celebrates National Family Business Day, a day designed to recognise the invaluable contribution family businesses make to the Australian economy, community and culture. It is an opportunity for all family and non-family members of the family business as well as stakeholders and local governments to come together and recognise this important sector. To find out ways you can celebrate with your family, employees or clients, visit the National Family Business Day page on our website.

Family businesses account for around seventy percent of all Australian businesses, employ over fifty percent of Australia’s workforce and create businesses that make Australia the successful and diverse Nation it is today.

Get behind this day by celebrating with family, employees or clients and promote that you are a family business on social media. 

National family business day


The Australian Made Campaign is a proud supporter of the day, recognising more than two thirds of all Australian businesses are family owned and run. They see National Family Business Day as an opportunity to support local manufacturers and farmers, by promoting the importance of family businesses and keeping local people in jobs. Engage with their  “Made by our Family” or “Grown by our Family” campaigns by using the hashtags #madebyourfamily #grownbyourfamily. 

Made by our family