Date posted: December 2, 2014

Family Business Australia announces all family businesses can now gain access to vital resources, including broader access to FBA Accredited Advisers to assist in their success and longevity.

With the launch of their new and improved website on 3 December 2014, FBA is encouraging all family businesses to utilise a range of tools developed to specifically assist family business retain their success as the largest business sector in Australia.

Family Business in Australia accounts for around 70% of all business in Australia, contributing an estimated wealth of $4.3 trillion into the Australian economy. Retaining the ongoing achievement of such a significant sector remains the key to the success of Australia’s economy as a whole.

The FBA website has two key new functions; members of family business are encouraged to ‘Ask a Question’. This new tool allows family businesses the opportunity to submit their questions and concerns to be answered by FBA’s Accredited Advisers, addressed through Government or facilitated into a course or workshop offering. FBA are continuously seeking ways to assist the family business sector and encourage those at the coalface to tell them where this assistance is most pertinent.

In an attempt to also make family business assistance more accessible to the public, a list of around 100 FBA Accredited Advisers is now available publically through the website.

Committed to Australia’s future through a dynamic, sustainable family business community, Advisers from around Australia undertake a rigorous process of accreditation through FBA to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and experience to be able to provide assistance to such a unique business landscape.

Family Business Australia CEO, Robin Buckham outlines the importance of family business advisers, highlighting their ability to bring about a greater level of expectation around Governance.

“The family business landscape is undeniably unique; FBA Accredited Advisers are masters of their field and masters of understanding the complex nature of family business. These businesses know better than anyone that an adviser that can offer not only pertinent advice, but also do so under the whirlwind of family business environments and are worth their weight in gold.”

Family Business Australia is the peak body for family and private business in Australia, a sector which accounts for almost half a million businesses and fifty percent of the Australian workforce. FBA’s purpose is to contribute to the long term success of family business. We do this by facilitating and engaging resources and channels that promote success and foster sustainability and longevity. Our programs and products are developed to build stronger families and healthier businesses.

For more information contact
Alicia Lynch
(03) 9867 5322