The Office of the Australian Small Business Commissioner (ASBC) is transforming into the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman.
The transformation is one step closer with the release of exposure draft legislation on 11th March.
The functions of the Ombudsman will build on what the ASBC currently does. The key changes will include an added emphasis on family business and legislative powers to further assist small businesses.
The Ombudsman will be a:
- Commonwealth-wide advocate for small businesses – listening to small businesses and letting the government know their views, and working with business and government to identify national issues that impact on small businesses.
- Provider of information to small businesses – addressing requests from small businesses by providing information, assistance and referral to the right place.
- Concierge for dispute resolution – helping small businesses to understand their dispute and find the right dispute resolution service.
- Contributor to small business-friendly Commonwealth laws and regulations – giving independent advice to government to make sure small businesses are considered when developing policy and programs.
The Treasury is leading the transformation. Submissions on the exposure draft legislation close on Tuesday 7 April 2015.
The ASBC encourages interested parties to read the legislation and explanatory material, and to have your say in relation to areas of interest or concern.
For more information and to lodge a submission, visit the Treasury website.