Date posted: August 3, 2015

For me this month the buzz words have been collaborative, community and support. I have had several members share with me stories of support they have had from within the FBA community. For Cath Resnick of Strategic Perspectives it was the surprise that a large part of her supporters at her recent launch of a new online venture Kindom, came from the FBA community. For me personally it was the fantastic collaboration with our members from Illuminate Group and ProcessWorx that resulted in a successful event on Paying and Performance Managing family, not only successful in the content and presentation but in the support they offered by sharing this event with their business network, resulting in over half of the attendees being first time guests of FBA. As we continue to look for ways to grow the family business community I have been busy this month joining forces with other industry groups and associations, the resources and knowledge FBA can offer their members is being well received. A great result is the first collaborate event with the Stirling Business Association on the 18 September, with guest speaker Rick Hart. Please let me know if you belong to an industry group or business association and would like to share the benefits of FBA with other family businesses, let’s keep the collaboration theme going!


International Speaker for Perth – August 19

I am constantly amazed at the power of social media, a little comment on an international family business experts LinkedIn post led to a conversation and invitation to present to the family business community of Perth.

Francesco Lombardo is the founder of Veritage Family Office, is a renowned public speaker and trusted advisor who has coached some of the world’s most successful and affluent families for over twenty years. Through his extensive work with these families, Lombardo has identified a universal connection between people’s relationship to money and the impact this has on their families, businesses, and legacies.

Franco will be sharing his insights in a colourful and innovative presentation Entitled Brat to Contributing Leader – understanding and managing behavioural risk in the next generation, during a breakfast event on the 19th August. Details and registration are now available on the website.

Malaga and Districts Business Association – 2015 Excellence Awards

The award is given to the business that demonstrates they are leaders in their field. The award is very competitive and will recognise the business that shows and lives and breathes all the qualities of a successful and innovative business. To nominate your family business or one you know of deserving of this award, visit the website.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Lorraine Willis
State Manager – WA