Happy New (Financial) Year! Now that we have reached the end of 2015/16 and are starting the fresh financial year it’s a good time to stop and re-think your plans and processes for the new year.
Does FBA feature in those plans – I hope they do!
- Maybe there is something that we can help with, or at least point you in the right direction.
- Maybe the FBA National Conference would be a good way to start the year – get ideas, network with others from family businesses.
I am always keen to hear from members about how FBA can help, how we can better fit your needs. So don’t be shy in asking – let me know, we can always try!
Its exciting for Melbourne to be able to host the FBA National Conference again, its been at least 10 years since it has been in our state. Registrations are going well, and hopefully we’ll be able put on a strong Vic showing.
In other events we are bringing back the Conversation Series events – the first one is going to be held at the KPMG offices on July 27th and is looking at Working with Siblings, if you are in business with siblings, or think that you might be soon, this is a great event to register for.
We are proud to be part of the Small Business Festival Victoria again this year, we are hosting three events, 2 in our offices here in South Melbourne and one in Bendigo.
August 11 – Bendigo
One of the parts of my job that I really enjoy is meeting with members and learning more about their company and their story.
One member that I met with this week is Headland Machinery – a business that was started in 1949 by Peter Kloe and is now being run by the next generation. The video of their story is here
And a written version if you would prefer is here
If you have an interesting story or have done something new in your business, let me know, we are always keen to share.
Alex Petersen
VIC/Tas State Manager