Date posted: March 10, 2017

We started 2017 with a vengeance and have run 3 events this year commencing with an Adviser Connect Session with Sarah Leo from Open Book Howden and Andrew Reed from Hender Consulting. The discussion focused on how family business recruitment is different, providing insights into utilising a recruitment company versus in-house HR talent. The event attracted a mix of family business advisers and family business members 20 in all.

Our State conference theme will follow on from this event scheduled for Friday May 19th so make sure you save the date.

Entitled The Business of People – Building Capability and Leading Performance, it will further explore pitfalls in recruitment and how to avoid them, enhancing ‘people’ capabilities and tips for personal coping mechanisms in a family business environment.
Please diarise the date or you can pre-register here.

Our next Adviser Connect Session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6 and will cover Estate Planning, State and Federal Budget update, details to follow.

We conducted a very successful Essentials half day workshop on February 23, a national initiative it attracted a varied audience of 25 participants that included 13 family based businesses here in South Australia. Another Essentials half day course will be run in the next month or so. Please keep an eye on the calendar of events for South Australia.

Our next Financial Essentials Course is on Wednesday April 12, this course provides comprehensive understanding of business performance and will enhance your ability to make effective decisions for the future. Register here.

If you have ever considered joining a Forum Group we have an Information Session coming up Tuesday March 21st. Spaces are limited and we are at half capacity at the time of going to print. Please register here to secure your place.  Please note this information session is only available to our family business members and non-members.

If you don’t already know , the FBA SA Facebook page is up and running – you can find it here. I’d encourage you to like the page and ensure you become active in the group postings and news items relating to your family business community.

Our first competition on the SA FB site was won by Allin Tow Bars , congratulations on winning a free registration to attend the State conference in May.

That’s all from me for now; I will look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming events.

Yvonne McClaren 
SA NT Manager
Family Business Australia