In QLD, we have of course had our local elections, and with a federal election scheduled for the second half of the year, we will no doubt experience some fallout to the business community. In a time of economic uncertainty that an election brings with it, there is no better time to engage with the FBA community, who I have found to be so open about what has worked for them during the peaks and the troughs of their family business journey. There really is no other community like it.
If you have been a member for a while and not attended one of our events, we have so many opportunities for you to engage with us this year. Please click here to view forthcoming FBA events in QLD.
Our main event of course is the QLD state Conference on May 20 – ealry bird rates end on April 18!
In QLD FBA news, we have a new member to add to our FBA committee of volunteers. Liz Shaw, who also happens to be our chairman, Roz Shaw’s daughter, will add a next gen element to our committee that only youthful exuberance can bring. Watch this space if you are a next gener who wants to engage with other like-minded next gen people, as we will be providing many more opportunities for you to do so. Welcome Liz!
Don’t forget if you have always wanted to take part in our very popular forum groups, we have a few spots left and are running 2 free information sessions in April. Please contact me if you would like to register.
Affiliate Events:
- In FBA member news, KPMG is running an event in Toowoomba on April 14. See KPMG Event The ingredients for success
- AMPLIFi Governance and TCB Solutions have the honour and pleasure of bringing Peter Crow to Australia. Peter Crow is a practical Board Director with 15 years experience. His PhD is on the Board’s role and responsibility relating to strategic development and implementation. Peter is a New Zealander and his PhD Supervisors are at the Universities Oxford and Harvard. His research is done in NZ, USA, Canada, China, Japan, Germany and the UK. This is a once in 10 year opportunity to hear about and interact with the global trends in governance. For booking information please contact Lloyd Russell –
Unitl next month,
Martine Poulain
QLD State Manager
Family Business Australia