As you know, November is Hall of Fame month at FBA – and the inductees have just been chosen by our selection Committee – but who will they be?! Come along to our gala event on November 24 to find out – and to be inspired and motivated by our special guests speaker – Alex Malley. This is always a great event and this year will be no exception – click here to register, but be fast as it is just around the corner…
Big changes at FBA – I am delighted to let you know that our new CEO Greg Griffith has been in the role for about 5 weeks and we can feel the difference already! I look forward to these changes filtering through to all our members and the wider family business community – your feedback is very welcome and my door is always open to NSW and ACT members for comment and concerns.
Another exciting development is a new and expanded Committee for FBA in NSW & ACT. We have a full complement of 10 Family Business members and 5 Adviser members on the Committee with an impressive range of skills and experience. It is always a benefit to an association like ours to have such wonderful input – and it can also be a very rewarding experience for Committee members to work with one another and learn from each other. I encourage all members to consider getting involved with the Committee and sub-committees in the future – in my experience, it is those who engage most that gain most.
Advisers will be pleased to know that we are trialing a second monthly Adviser Connect meeting in Western Sydney. This will provide more opportunities for Advisers to get to know one another and practice the espoused values that they themselves have created. This ensures that family businesses can be assured of best practice when they work with FBA Accredited Advisers. Click here for more information and to register.
Can’t believe that the next edition of this newsletter will be the last for the year. Planning and preparation is well underway for next year already and you can expect a full program of activities. Until December –
Wendy Foster
NSW ACT Manager
Family Business Australia
A note from the NSW and ACT Manager
Date posted: November 16, 2016