Date posted: November 17, 2016

Since beginning at FBA I’ve had the opportunity to meet many family businesses and advisers at a number of networking events to better understand the businesses that make up the family business sector and how FBA can offer greater support. These conversations have provided important insights and together with our Education Survey currently taking place, will form some of the information to base our strategies and direction moving forward.

I have met with a number of forum groups to get their insight into FBA and this has been invaluable. I plan to continue to meet with forum groups around Australia as their views are fundamental to FBA growth aspirations. We have a forum facilitator workshop scheduled in March and I look forward to taking the group through our strategic objectives and getting their insights and views on how we successfully grow our forum participation.

I have spent time meeting with and talking to key external stakeholders and partners including our key partner in KPMG developing relationships with like-minded associations and large federations with a view that they might tap into our value offering.

From an advocacy point of view I have spent time reviewing and engaging key government bodies including the Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell, the ATO Private Groups Stewardship Group and the ASIC Business Advisory Committee. FBA is seen as a key stakeholder in the eyes of Government and I look forward to working with our family members to define key messages to deliver to government that will assist the family business sector.

Internally, my key objective over the first four weeks was to speak to as many people as possible, to ascertain what their job roles and objectives are, to understand the challenges facing the organisation, to identify the pain points and to start to formulate structures/processes that will allow FBA to grow as an organisation and reach its membership, financial & strategic goals. This will include a staff strategy workshop scheduled in December to define our value proposition around education, forum groups, business to business and advocacy that will allow the organisation to focus on membership growth with the right resources focused on the right tasks. I have briefed the board on the structures needed to drive the business forward.

I have been working with our different committees to review and define our education platform and adviser accreditation platform. Recruitment for our Queensland State Manager is well underway and over the next few weeks I will be attending our Hall of Fame functions which provide an opportunity to share my helicopter view of the organisation to date. So far the Hall of Fame events have showcased some fantastic family businesses and exhibited the passion of the people working in these organisations.

What I see is an organisation that is well placed to grow and provide its service offerings to a much wider group of Family Businesses. I’m looking forward to doing a roadshow in the New Year to take our strategy to our committees/forum facilitators/members and advisers to ensure we have input and buy in from all stakeholders, so collectively we can blow the lid of this best kept secret.

I look forward to meeting you soon if I haven’t already.

Greg Griffith
Family Business Australia