Date posted: April 5, 2016

It’s an exciting time of the year for us with our State and National Conference programs taking shape. 

Coming up in May we have the following State Conferences/ Summit that will provide an important opportunity to step back from the day to day running of your business and focus on your broader strategic direction:

Thursday 12th May  – WA State Conference

An exciting program focusing on the key characteristics of high performing family businesses and the strategies and processes that can be put in place to ensure you build your capabilities for sustainability and success.
Speakers include: Ronnie Duncan | Meerkats, Dr Frank Koentgen | Ozgene, John Battley | Globetrotter Corporate Travel to name a few.

Friday 20th May – QLD State Conference

A comprehensive exploration of how family businesses can embrace the changing business landscape by recognising the directions that will benefit the business in the long term. Speakers include: John Wagner | The Wagner Group of Companies, Alex Freeman | CloudCo Asia, Michael and Matthew Gordon | Centenary Hire and more.

Friday 27th May – NSW ACT Summit

The entrepreneurial family business is never idle –the Summit will focus on a diverse range of topics pertinent to family business success including branding, leadership and growth strategies that will enable you to stay one step ahead of the game. Speakers include: John Winning | Appliances Online, Peter Switzer | Switzer Financial Services and David Albert
| Albert Group and more.

We are pleased to announce the Minister for Small Business, the Honourable Kelly O’Dwyer will open the National Conference at the Pullman Albert Park Melbourne. Make sure the dates August 17 -19 are in your diary; more details to follow soon.

With the recent launch of the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman role, we were involved in developing important family business specific information that has been added to the ASBC website. Click here to see the information now available.

Robin Buckham
Family Business Australia